Terms of Sale
By sending payment you agree to the following terms:
Terms Disclaimer- Failure to read or understand will under no circumstances be reason to consider them altered or void. We reserve the right to refuse sale to any person for any reason.
Legality: Knowing and complying with the legality of purchasing or owning a reptile in your area, city, or state is solely your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of House Snake Morphs to know what regulations exist near you or may apply to you. By purchasing you agree that you are 18 years of age or older AND have legal authority to authorize payment for your purchase. Please check with other household members to ensure positive living condition for the animal.
Genetics: Genetics are 100% Guaranteed for Animals sold by House Snake Morphs.
Health: We guarantee that animals sold at House Snake Morphs are healthy to the best of our knowledge at the time of sale. We do not guarantee that an animal will remain healthy under your care, as that is outside of our control. It is the buyers responsibility to unpack and carefully inspect your animal upon arrival and notify us immediately if you have any concerns. You must notify us within 24 hours to be eligible for replacement. House Snake Morphs is not responsible for any veterinary expenses or costs incurred by the buyer for any animal for any reason. If you bring an animal to a veterinarian, you do so entirely at your own expense. We are happy to provide you with suggestions for how to set up and care for your new animal, so please ask if you have questions.
Feeding: We guarantee all animals are feeding at the time of sale, unless noted. We do not guarantee that an animal will feed under your care, as that is outside of our control. Upon request of the buyer, we will provide a current feeding video. We are always available to offer advice if or when an animal stops feeding. We feed live, prekilled, and frozen thawed prey.
Forms of Payment: Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, Venmo, USPS Money Order, Walmart2walmart money transfers, and Paypal.
A word on Paypal: Paypal is one of the many payment options that are available for you to choose from when making your purchase, but please be aware that paypal will automatically add any applicable state sales tax to your order. We are a legitimate tax paying business and are legally required to collect sales tax. Paypal automatically collects this amount depending on the zipcode registered to your account. Also, Paypal fees are not refundable. Just like shipping, paypal offers a service- a safe secure way to transfer money- that they typically charge a 3% fee for. If you choose to utilize their service, this fee belongs to them once they have fulfilled their obligation to transfer the funds. We do not refund the amount they have charged for your use of their service. Due to the proliferation of paypal buyer chargeback scams, we also have the right to refuse to accept paypal as a payment option, at any time, at solely our discretion.
Payment plans: 30 day payment plans are available on animal orders over $200 with a minimum non-refundable deposit of $50 USD or 25% whichever is greater. Payments can be made weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly and the total balance must be paid in full within the agreed upon time. If payment is not made in full within the agreed upon time, any money paid will be forfeit, and the animal will be placed back up for sale.
We may, or may not, at our sole discretion, extend payment plans for additional fees. This is typically charged per day as a prorated amount of the original deposit amount. For example if the deposit amount was $100 on a thirty day plan, the fee would be $3.33 for each day the plan carried a balance (100/30). This is considered on a case by case basis and agreed upon in advance of course.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept any offer, financing option, or payment plan at all, to anyone, at anytime.
Note: We’re known for being above reasonable about things, so as my mother would say “you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar”. If you get what I’m sayin’.
All Animals are sold first come first served. The first person to pay for the animal receives the animal regardless of who inquired about, or 'committed to buying' it first. This means having a dialogue about your desire to purchase the animal, asking to negotiate price or enter a payment plan, etc., does not grant you exclusive rights to purchasing it. housesnakemorphs.com offers a shopping cart system that any customer may use at any time to complete their purchase. Because of this, those requiring payment plans, alternate forms of payment, etc may place a deposit on/purchase an animal just seconds after the same animal was purchased through the website. Or vise versa, a person may complete an online purchase just seconds after someone else already paid for the same animal using another method. In these cases, the person who paid for (or placed a deposit upon) the animal first will receive the animal. The other person will have the choice of either receiving a refund, or credit towards a different animal. We strongly encourage you to place a deposit on/purchase the animal you want quickly because several people are often interested in the same animal at the same time. It is impossible for us to know the serious buyers from the window shoppers without payment, so to be fair to everyone we do not hold animals without a deposit either.
About deposits to hold unstarted babies: Again, we employ first come first serve. This means if a set of identical animals are offered "deposit only until they begin feeding", the first person to put a deposit on one of the animals gets the first animal to be ready to go, and the last person to place a deposit will receive the last animal that is ready to leave. Some will be waiting longer than others as there is no way to predict when a baby will start feeding consistently, and the weather acceptable to ship to you, among other factors that determine when a newborn is 'ready to go'. While we will provide you with an estimate, we can not guarantee when an animal will "be ready" as these are living creatures, so that is largely outside our control, and typically impossible to predict. It can take longer than estimated sometimes. Its safe to assume if you have not heard from us in a while it is because there is nothing to report. Be assured we have not forgotten about you. We are happy to provide you with a status update any time you ask for one. Please just ask if you have any concerns.
Order Cancellations: If you make a purchase through housesnakemorphs.com and then choose to cancel your order
a 25% restocking fee will apply to cancel your order. This is to cover the standard non-refundable deposit amount to hold any animal, and the fees we will be charged from our financial institutions as a result of your decision to cancel. We encourage you to ask as many questions as you like to be certain of your selections before purchase. If we need to cancel your order on our end, you will receive a full refund and no restocking fee will apply.
Shipping: Please review the shipping page for information regarding the shipping process. Live arrival is guaranteed (in the form of store credit); however it is the buyers responsibility to furnish us with the correct shipping address to send the animal to, and the buyer or its designated representative must be available to receive the package upon delivery. Incorrect or incomplete addresses that cause delivery delays terminate our live arrival guarantee. All packages are shipped to your nearest fedex hub, and you must pick up the package within 4 hours of arrival or the guarantee is void. We are not responsible for carrier delays or faults. We make no guarantees whatsoever if not delivered to a fedex ship center. This is because animals shipped to the house must be sent on long truck routes typically without air conditioning, and are often left on porches exposed to the elements for long periods of time before fedex will update the tracking. packages have also been abused or 'refused delivery" by truck drivers that are afraid of snakes. Its considerably less safe than ship center pickup.
We reserve the right to refuse to ship an animal until we believe it is safe to do so. We will not ship to you if we believe the animal will suffer a significant risk of harm by doing so. If you simply can not wait for a shipping day that we deem safe, you may cancel your order (again, restocking fee will apply). Whether or not a shipping day is deemed safe is determined on a case by case basis and is at our discretion. We may not consider a shipping day safe if temperatures at any point in route (florida, sorting hub, your location) are below 35 degrees or above 90 degrees. This is not the only criteria however, and if we need to postpone shipping for the animals welfare, we will discuss this with you.
Insurance: Cash DOA insurance is optional and must be requested by the buyer at the time of sale. The cost for insurance is $2.50 for each $100 of order value if you would like cash compensation for DOA. This insurance also covers DOA caused by carrier delay.
DOA (Dead On Arrival): In the unlikely event an animal arrives DOA, Store credit will be given for a replacement. For Cash compensation please read above about optional insurance. To qualify the buyer must 1) notify us immediately 2) send us a photo of the animal and 3) keep the animal’s remains for verification and further instruction, or all guarantees are void.
Terms for customer refused shipments. As noted in the shipping page, we will not ship an animal to you until you have agreed to receive it. This is for the animals safety. If we ship an animal to you on the agreed upon date, and you decide in transit you no longer wish to receive it, please inform us so that we may intercede on the behalf of the animals welfare. There are no refunds if you refuse delivery of an animal, as we have fulfilled our obligation to send you a healthy animal. What you do, or fail to do, with an animal after we have sent it to you in good faith, is outside of our control and therefore outside of our obligation.
Delivery: It is the buyers responsibility to unpack and carefully inspect your animal upon arrival and notify us immediately if you have any concerns. Your new acquisition will need time to acclimate to its new environment. It is recommended that you place your animal directly into their new environment after you inspect them. Please allow a minimum of one week to acclimate before handling or feeding.
Replacements: Please be certain that the animal you purchase is the one that you want. It is your responsibility to research the genetics, size, and care, of the animal you are purchasing. Some morphs may carry with them genetic issues. We do mark the animals displaying genetic symptoms or imperfections as having such, but as some (like wobble in ball pythons) can begin at any time we can not guarantee they will not begin to express symptoms of their morph's genetic issues during the stress of shipping, or while under your care. Otherwise, If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact us within 24 hours of arrival for a possible replacement. Additional shipping, if necessary, is at buyer’s expense. Animals shipped back to House Snake Morphs must be sent fedex priority overnight, and shipped in the same manner they were sent in (insulated box with temperature control if necessary), in order to qualify for a replacement.
Questions: We encourage you to ask as many questions as you’d like to feel confident in your purchase. We are happy to answer questions before, during, and after purchase :)
*In accordance with FDA regulations, turtles and tortoises less than 4 inches listed on our web site are offered expressly for educational, scientific or export purposes only. They are not sold for use as pets.
Terms Disclaimer- Failure to read or understand will under no circumstances be reason to consider them altered or void. We reserve the right to refuse sale to any person for any reason.
Legality: Knowing and complying with the legality of purchasing or owning a reptile in your area, city, or state is solely your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of House Snake Morphs to know what regulations exist near you or may apply to you. By purchasing you agree that you are 18 years of age or older AND have legal authority to authorize payment for your purchase. Please check with other household members to ensure positive living condition for the animal.
Genetics: Genetics are 100% Guaranteed for Animals sold by House Snake Morphs.
Health: We guarantee that animals sold at House Snake Morphs are healthy to the best of our knowledge at the time of sale. We do not guarantee that an animal will remain healthy under your care, as that is outside of our control. It is the buyers responsibility to unpack and carefully inspect your animal upon arrival and notify us immediately if you have any concerns. You must notify us within 24 hours to be eligible for replacement. House Snake Morphs is not responsible for any veterinary expenses or costs incurred by the buyer for any animal for any reason. If you bring an animal to a veterinarian, you do so entirely at your own expense. We are happy to provide you with suggestions for how to set up and care for your new animal, so please ask if you have questions.
Feeding: We guarantee all animals are feeding at the time of sale, unless noted. We do not guarantee that an animal will feed under your care, as that is outside of our control. Upon request of the buyer, we will provide a current feeding video. We are always available to offer advice if or when an animal stops feeding. We feed live, prekilled, and frozen thawed prey.
Forms of Payment: Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, Venmo, USPS Money Order, Walmart2walmart money transfers, and Paypal.
A word on Paypal: Paypal is one of the many payment options that are available for you to choose from when making your purchase, but please be aware that paypal will automatically add any applicable state sales tax to your order. We are a legitimate tax paying business and are legally required to collect sales tax. Paypal automatically collects this amount depending on the zipcode registered to your account. Also, Paypal fees are not refundable. Just like shipping, paypal offers a service- a safe secure way to transfer money- that they typically charge a 3% fee for. If you choose to utilize their service, this fee belongs to them once they have fulfilled their obligation to transfer the funds. We do not refund the amount they have charged for your use of their service. Due to the proliferation of paypal buyer chargeback scams, we also have the right to refuse to accept paypal as a payment option, at any time, at solely our discretion.
Payment plans: 30 day payment plans are available on animal orders over $200 with a minimum non-refundable deposit of $50 USD or 25% whichever is greater. Payments can be made weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly and the total balance must be paid in full within the agreed upon time. If payment is not made in full within the agreed upon time, any money paid will be forfeit, and the animal will be placed back up for sale.
We may, or may not, at our sole discretion, extend payment plans for additional fees. This is typically charged per day as a prorated amount of the original deposit amount. For example if the deposit amount was $100 on a thirty day plan, the fee would be $3.33 for each day the plan carried a balance (100/30). This is considered on a case by case basis and agreed upon in advance of course.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept any offer, financing option, or payment plan at all, to anyone, at anytime.
Note: We’re known for being above reasonable about things, so as my mother would say “you’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar”. If you get what I’m sayin’.
All Animals are sold first come first served. The first person to pay for the animal receives the animal regardless of who inquired about, or 'committed to buying' it first. This means having a dialogue about your desire to purchase the animal, asking to negotiate price or enter a payment plan, etc., does not grant you exclusive rights to purchasing it. housesnakemorphs.com offers a shopping cart system that any customer may use at any time to complete their purchase. Because of this, those requiring payment plans, alternate forms of payment, etc may place a deposit on/purchase an animal just seconds after the same animal was purchased through the website. Or vise versa, a person may complete an online purchase just seconds after someone else already paid for the same animal using another method. In these cases, the person who paid for (or placed a deposit upon) the animal first will receive the animal. The other person will have the choice of either receiving a refund, or credit towards a different animal. We strongly encourage you to place a deposit on/purchase the animal you want quickly because several people are often interested in the same animal at the same time. It is impossible for us to know the serious buyers from the window shoppers without payment, so to be fair to everyone we do not hold animals without a deposit either.
About deposits to hold unstarted babies: Again, we employ first come first serve. This means if a set of identical animals are offered "deposit only until they begin feeding", the first person to put a deposit on one of the animals gets the first animal to be ready to go, and the last person to place a deposit will receive the last animal that is ready to leave. Some will be waiting longer than others as there is no way to predict when a baby will start feeding consistently, and the weather acceptable to ship to you, among other factors that determine when a newborn is 'ready to go'. While we will provide you with an estimate, we can not guarantee when an animal will "be ready" as these are living creatures, so that is largely outside our control, and typically impossible to predict. It can take longer than estimated sometimes. Its safe to assume if you have not heard from us in a while it is because there is nothing to report. Be assured we have not forgotten about you. We are happy to provide you with a status update any time you ask for one. Please just ask if you have any concerns.
Order Cancellations: If you make a purchase through housesnakemorphs.com and then choose to cancel your order
a 25% restocking fee will apply to cancel your order. This is to cover the standard non-refundable deposit amount to hold any animal, and the fees we will be charged from our financial institutions as a result of your decision to cancel. We encourage you to ask as many questions as you like to be certain of your selections before purchase. If we need to cancel your order on our end, you will receive a full refund and no restocking fee will apply.
Shipping: Please review the shipping page for information regarding the shipping process. Live arrival is guaranteed (in the form of store credit); however it is the buyers responsibility to furnish us with the correct shipping address to send the animal to, and the buyer or its designated representative must be available to receive the package upon delivery. Incorrect or incomplete addresses that cause delivery delays terminate our live arrival guarantee. All packages are shipped to your nearest fedex hub, and you must pick up the package within 4 hours of arrival or the guarantee is void. We are not responsible for carrier delays or faults. We make no guarantees whatsoever if not delivered to a fedex ship center. This is because animals shipped to the house must be sent on long truck routes typically without air conditioning, and are often left on porches exposed to the elements for long periods of time before fedex will update the tracking. packages have also been abused or 'refused delivery" by truck drivers that are afraid of snakes. Its considerably less safe than ship center pickup.
We reserve the right to refuse to ship an animal until we believe it is safe to do so. We will not ship to you if we believe the animal will suffer a significant risk of harm by doing so. If you simply can not wait for a shipping day that we deem safe, you may cancel your order (again, restocking fee will apply). Whether or not a shipping day is deemed safe is determined on a case by case basis and is at our discretion. We may not consider a shipping day safe if temperatures at any point in route (florida, sorting hub, your location) are below 35 degrees or above 90 degrees. This is not the only criteria however, and if we need to postpone shipping for the animals welfare, we will discuss this with you.
Insurance: Cash DOA insurance is optional and must be requested by the buyer at the time of sale. The cost for insurance is $2.50 for each $100 of order value if you would like cash compensation for DOA. This insurance also covers DOA caused by carrier delay.
DOA (Dead On Arrival): In the unlikely event an animal arrives DOA, Store credit will be given for a replacement. For Cash compensation please read above about optional insurance. To qualify the buyer must 1) notify us immediately 2) send us a photo of the animal and 3) keep the animal’s remains for verification and further instruction, or all guarantees are void.
Terms for customer refused shipments. As noted in the shipping page, we will not ship an animal to you until you have agreed to receive it. This is for the animals safety. If we ship an animal to you on the agreed upon date, and you decide in transit you no longer wish to receive it, please inform us so that we may intercede on the behalf of the animals welfare. There are no refunds if you refuse delivery of an animal, as we have fulfilled our obligation to send you a healthy animal. What you do, or fail to do, with an animal after we have sent it to you in good faith, is outside of our control and therefore outside of our obligation.
Delivery: It is the buyers responsibility to unpack and carefully inspect your animal upon arrival and notify us immediately if you have any concerns. Your new acquisition will need time to acclimate to its new environment. It is recommended that you place your animal directly into their new environment after you inspect them. Please allow a minimum of one week to acclimate before handling or feeding.
Replacements: Please be certain that the animal you purchase is the one that you want. It is your responsibility to research the genetics, size, and care, of the animal you are purchasing. Some morphs may carry with them genetic issues. We do mark the animals displaying genetic symptoms or imperfections as having such, but as some (like wobble in ball pythons) can begin at any time we can not guarantee they will not begin to express symptoms of their morph's genetic issues during the stress of shipping, or while under your care. Otherwise, If you are not 100% satisfied, please contact us within 24 hours of arrival for a possible replacement. Additional shipping, if necessary, is at buyer’s expense. Animals shipped back to House Snake Morphs must be sent fedex priority overnight, and shipped in the same manner they were sent in (insulated box with temperature control if necessary), in order to qualify for a replacement.
Questions: We encourage you to ask as many questions as you’d like to feel confident in your purchase. We are happy to answer questions before, during, and after purchase :)
*In accordance with FDA regulations, turtles and tortoises less than 4 inches listed on our web site are offered expressly for educational, scientific or export purposes only. They are not sold for use as pets.